Ruby on Rails developers: vs. In-House Recruitment vs. Staff Augmentation

The increasing demand for Ruby on Rails developers stems from their exceptional work quality and swift development, making them highly coveted by businesses worldwide. If you’re currently in need of experienced RoR developers, you may be contemplating the most effective approach to hiring them.

When it comes to finding Ruby on Rails developers, you have three alternatives: opting for in-house recruitment to integrate them into your team, outsourcing your project to an offshore software development company, or embracing staff augmentation for your Ruby on Rails development project.

This blog post aims to shed light on why staff augmentation should be considered as a viable alternative to hiring in-house developers. It will outline the key factors to consider before augmenting your team and highlight the project scenarios in which staff augmentation emerges as an ideal choice for ensuring success.

Challenges in Hiring In-House Ruby on Rails Developers

Securing and hiring an in-house Ruby on Rails developer can pose difficulties due to a limited pool of qualified candidates. Data from reveals a significant gap between the number of Ruby on Rails job postings (3,132) and available CVs (297) in the US. Despite the challenges, hiring a full-time developer offers notable advantages, such as focused project attention, streamlined communication, and efficient management. However, skilled developers may not be inclined to work on small-scale web applications, and the cost of hiring them for startups can be prohibitive.

Here are the pros and cons of hiring an in-house Ruby on Rails developer:


Exclusive dedication to your project enables faster completion.

Clear and effective communication is facilitated without barriers.

Task and time management are simplified with in-person coordination.

Project confidentiality is maintained within the company.


Difficulty in finding experienced and qualified Ruby on Rails developers.

Highly skilled developers may not be interested in short-term projects.

Hiring an in-house developer can be cost-prohibitive.

Staff Augmentation: Filling Skill Gaps and Enhancing Projects

Staff Augmentation is a strategy that involves bringing in external experts on a project basis to address skill gaps and achieve business objectives. Specifically, when it comes to Ruby on Rails development, organizations can temporarily employ specialists to enhance their capacity for web services or app development projects. This approach simplifies project management and allows companies to trial specialized Ruby on Rails developers.

Staff Augmentation is particularly beneficial in the following scenarios:

Limited budget or cost-saving requirements in development.

Launching new projects that require additional short-term staff.

Need for specialized knowledge in the project.

Thorough testing of the project before launch.

Staff Augmentation effectively scales projects, especially when in-house developers lack the required expertise. It provides a flexible and cost-effective option for companies.


Experience & Expertise: Augmenting your team with exceptional software engineers enhances project capabilities and accelerates value delivery. Access to various tools and techniques becomes readily available without concerns about talent retention. Software development companies can also provide experienced designers and front-end specialists, eliminating extensive recruitment processes.

Instant Know-How: Bringing in experienced professionals minimizes project delays and interruptions, ensuring the presence of required expertise for successful project completion.

Flexibility: On-demand talent allows for scaling the development team up or down as needed, including adding more back-end engineers or domain experts.

Cost-effective: Staff Augmentation services offer significant cost savings compared to hiring in-house developers. For instance, with the same budget, you can hire two experienced developers through Staff Augmentation instead of a single developer with 5 years of experience in the US (which can cost $10,000 to $15,000 per month).

Control & Management: With a staff augmentation team, you are relieved of the responsibility of managing the hired employees or team. The augmentation company takes care of the setup and environment.


Possible Ramp-ups: Projects that require a deep understanding of the company’s culture and context may have ramp-up times.

Reliance on Internal Processes: Internal operational flaws can impact outsourced staffing solutions negatively.

Workflow Matching: Working with large teams may require an adjustment period for companies to adapt to their speed.

Where to Find a Staff Augmentation Company

When searching for a Staff Augmentation company with Ruby on Rails developers, there are several avenues you can explore:

Rating Websites: Rating websites like Clutch provide valuable resources for finding top-rated Ruby on Rails development companies. These platforms offer verified client reviews, portfolio examples, and company ratings, enabling you to make informed decisions.

Events and Conferences: Industry events and conferences provide opportunities to meet and network with Ruby on Rails developers and companies. These gatherings often feature keynote speakers, workshops, and panel discussions that offer insights into the latest trends and technologies.

LinkedIn Profiles: LinkedIn is a powerful platform for discovering Ruby on Rails development companies and professionals. Utilize filters to refine your search by location, experience, and industry, making it easier to find the right fit for your project.

Additionally, you can consider reaching out to VT labs – a top Ruby on Rails agency with a team of talented middle- or senior-level developers ready for you to explore!

Ruby on Rails developers: vs. In-House Recruitment vs. Staff Augmentation